database publishing GASSENHUBER DATAform DBP

DATAform Add-on demo
In this demonstration the DATAform Add-on (DATAformXTension for QuarkXPress or DATAformPlugin for InDesign) will import an ASCII text file with DATAformTags into a document of your layout program. It will create two pages with different text and picture boxes.
Usually this type of ASCII text will be produced by a database, but for this demo we will use a prepared text.

Load and install your DATAform Add-on.
You may find a short installation instruction in the Hello World example.

Load DATAform_import_demos folder and unpack the folder.

The included "English" folder contains these files:

A DATAformTags text for QuarkXPress, a text for InDesign and an image file. We will import these files now into your layout program to simulate the control through a database.

Start your layout program and create a new document with the format A4 tall with facing pages.

Choose the "Preferences..." command of the DATAform menu in the layout program and then "Import via... Dialog" in the left column:

Close the dialogue with OK.

Choose the "Import boxes" command in the DATAform menu.
Then open either of the following DATAformTags files:
- the QuarkXPressImportE.txt file if you are working with QuarkXPress,
- the InDesignImportE.txt file if you are working with InDesign.

The DATAform Add-on will apply the text with DATAformTags to the layout document:
Two pages with different box types will be created:


On the left you see the facing pages created in QuarkXPress, on the right the pages in InDesign.
Read the created document. It shows and explains further functions and features of the DATAform Add-on.
Many different objects and text boxes with various font styles have been created in the empty documents.
Accordingly many complex catalog pages can be automatically created by the database.

How to proceed?
In your downloaded DATAform_import_demos folder you'll find a "Read me.pdf" describing two more step-by-step demos:
- One demo shows the reversibility of export and import of a text with DATAformTags,
- The other demo shows the updating of contents in a layout document through DATAformTags.
Read the "Read me.pdf" and try the demos on your PC.

Another step-by-step demonstration is the "Hello World" example.

Many detailed examples can be found in the DATAformXTension developer handbook.